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Week 5: Server, Request, and Backend Basics


  • Server Basics
    • What is a Server
    • What is a Client
    • Importance of a Clear Server/Client Interface
    • Hosting and Localhost
  • HTTP/REST Basics
    • What is HTTP
    • Status Codes Overview
    • Request Types
    • JSON
  • Backend Basics and GET Requests
    • Routing on the Backend
      • How to Make a New Route
      • Static Routing
      • Route Params
    • Using Postman to Call APIs

Basic Plan

  1. Servers
    • What is a server?
    • What is a client?
    • Importance of communication
    • Hosting
      • IP Addresses
      • Localhost
      • Ports
      • Ngrok
  2. HTTP Requests and REST
    • What is HTTP
      • Status Codes in HTTP
        • Informational Responses
        • Successful Responses
        • Redirect Responses
        • Client Errors
        • Server Errors
      • JSON
        • Values
        • Arrays
        • Objects
      • Request types overview
        • GET
    • What is REST (REpresentational State Transfer)
    • Postman and API clients
  3. Routing on the Backend
    • Structure of the Backend
    • What is routing?
    • Routing with Vert.x
      • Static routing
      • Route parameters
      • Query parameters
      • Creating a Sub-Router
    • Processor Interfaces


The server-client architecture is the way that the web works. Simply put, servers are programs that await requests sent by client programs (like web browsers), and send back responses.

Server-client architecture model

Gnome-fs-client.svg: David Vignoni Gnome-fs-server.svg: David Vignoni derivative work: Calimo / LGPL (

What is a server?

Servers are the programs that power every website and remote service you use. Servers are usually just programs that are always-on and listening, whose purpose is to run remote operations for you. They handle incoming and outgoing requests, errors, and running functionality you design! They can be run for programs that you use locally as well as remotely.

As an example, when you play video games with other people, that's spinning up a server that handles running everyone's game and the interactions that may happen between each player and AI.

There are two main reasons you would want to have a server as part of your application. The first is that some operations are computationally expensive, and would slow down your users' computers. The second reason is that you may want to hide parts of the application's design from your users, possibly for security reasons.

What is a client?

A client is any program that makes requests to servers. Servers can also be clients if they need to interact with other servers, but in a lot of cases, they can just be standalone programs too.

From the example of the game above, the client side of that would be the part of the game that you interact with and download locally, which ends up sending requests to the (usually remote) server. Another example of a client could be your web browser, which sends requests when you try to load websites or send information.

The client acts as a user interface (UI) for the app you're using; it provides a way for a user to give input to your app! The user's experience (UX) is heavily tied to both the design of the interface and the workflows you create. Together, UI/UX make up the user interactivity part of the design process!

Importance of communication

As you can imagine, with separate programs for the server and client, the interactions need to be carefully planned. If, for example, a client is sending data to the server, but the data is missing information or is sent in a way that is not expected (which is a surprisingly common problem to run into), there are going to be errors. If this occurs, then depending on the processes you or your company use for development, going back and fixing this can end up causing other errors or end up taking valuable time in possibly unplanned work.


Hosting is the act of starting a server and allowing clients to connect to it. These connections are usually accessible by hostnames (the URLs you usually use when you go to a website) and IP addresses.

IP Addresses

An IP address is an identification number assigned to every device in a computer network which uses the Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate and relay information. In most cases, IPv4 (the fourth version) addresses are used, which usually look like four numbers from 0-255 separated by periods. A couple examples are,,, and (This one is actually Google! Try going to If you want to see your own IP, try out a what is my IP website.

Often, when you navigate to a website by typing in a name, like, special service called the Domain Name Service (DNS) translates that text into an IP address. If you're interested, check out the How Stuff Works page on it, but here's a simple image to demonstrate.

How a DNS lookup works

How Stuff Works


Localhost (or is the address that locally hosted servers can be accessed at. If you want to access something hosted locally, all you have to do is load that address or http://localhost. Localhost is actually a 'loopback address', which means that any requests sent to it are routed back to the computer itself, but for simplicity's sake, you can just think of it as a really quick and simple way to write this computer's address. You'll be using this a lot later on when you're running your website locally.


A port is an individual endpoint at a specific address. Each program that wants to act as a server reserves a port to be used throughout its lifespan, and no two programs can share the same port. They can range from 0 to 65535, and the ones ranging from 0 to 1024 are commonly referred to as the well-known port numbers. These include special commonly used things such as the File Transfer Protocol (FTP, ports 20 and 21), Secure Shell (SSH, port 22), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, port 25) (a protocol for sending email), DNS (port 53), (unencrypted) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP, port 80), (encrypted) HTTP Secure (HTTPS, port 443). When writing about ports, they can be written as either "3000" or ":3000" (with the prefixed ":").

HTTP/HTTPS ports is how production websites (the websites that are 'live' for a company) are usually served, but for now we'll use our own defined port for testing. You'll see that it's common to run programs on ports outside of the well known port range, and ports :3000, :8000, and :8081 (what we'll be using) are quite common. Also, when testing locally, HTTPS is usually not used since a certificate has to be created, so just focus on using HTTP for now. We'll talk about HTTP more later.

To access a port at a given address, you write the protocol (optional, http is assumed by default), followed by the address, followed by the colon-prefixed port. So for example, accessing http on port :4000 locally would look something like http://localhost:4000 or


When you're hosting on localhost, it's often not easy for someone on a different network to access your app. This is because of a bunch of firewall rules in place and the structure of the internet, and to fix that you will end up having to look into to port-forward your application. An easy way to get around that is to look into Ngrok, which ends up forwarding traffic through one of their servers for your local app and avoids having to deal with those rules. So if you want to show your friends and family, download it and check out their docs. It's really easy and extremely useful!

HTTP Requests and REST

What is HTTP

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a protocol for requests and responses in a server-client architecture model. In the web browser example from earlier, the client's request to the server is an HTTP request, and the server provides an HTTP response in a form similar to a string containing returned data.

HTTP provides a few useful pieces of information in both requests and responses that we'll use. Both types of requests have headers that provide metadata about the request or response, and an optional body including any data that has to be transferred. Responses additionally have a status code that tells you quickly what happened while processing the request.

Status Codes in HTTP

Status codes are special numerical codes returned in an HTTP response which indicate the status of the request. There are a couple groups of status codes, which define a high level meaning as to what happened during the server.

Code Range Description
100 - 199 Informational Responses
200 - 299 Successful Responses
300 - 399 Redirect Responses
400 - 499 Client Errors
500 - 599 Server Errors

For more info on the responses outside of what's below, check out MDN's HTTP Status Code Guide or the API REST Tutorial Cheat Sheet.

You can also see a lot of these if you open up your browser's developer console and look at the network tab. This network tab can give you information about exactly what's going on when you try to load a webpage. Try it out by right clicking on the page and selecting "Inspect" or "Inspect Element" in Chrome or Firefox.

In this program, we're only going to be dealing with the 200, 400, and 500 ranges. If you're interested in the 100 or 300's, go ahead and check it out on the HTTP Status Code Guide above.

Successful Responses

Successful responses are responses that indicate success for whatever request was made. The specific response indicates exactly what kind of success was achieved.

Here are a few of the common ones:

Code Name Description
200 OK The most common one, indicates that everything went as expected (and data may have been returned in the body)
201 Created A new resource has been created on the server
204 No Content The request was a success but no body was returned (necessary data might be in the headers)
Client Errors

These represent errors that a client has made and are used to let it know what went wrong.

Here are a few of the common ones:

Code Name Description
400 Bad Request There was an issue with the body of the request (usually due to invalid syntax)
401 Unauthorized The client needs to authenticate (log in) before using this resource
403 Forbidden The client is authorized, but doesn't have the right permissions
404 Not Found The requested resource could not be found or the URL is not recognized
405 Method Not Allowed The wrong method is being used for a route (like a POST vs a GET, will be explained later)
410 Gone The requested resource has been permanently deleted from the server
418 I'm a teapot The server refuses the attempt to brew coffee (yes this is real)
Server Errors

These responses let the client know that there was an issue processing the request by the server. Usually you want to avoid returning these because you properly handle every error that can pop up, but there are times when it's unavoidable or necessary.

Here are a few of the common ones:

Code Name Description
500 Internal Server Error Usually thrown on an exception the server doesn't know how to handle, you want to try and avoid these
502 Bad Gateway The server (acting as a gateway) got an invalid response (usually this happens for certain server configuration errors)
503 Service Unavailable The server isn't ready to handle the request (usually when the server is down or overloaded)
504 Gateway Timeout When the server (acting as a gateway) could not get a response in a specified timeframe


JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a way of representing data in a very clean and easy to write way. It's commonly compared to XML. You can see an in-depth description of everything on the JSON website. It's also very similar to an object datatype in JavaScript, and there are only a few syntactical differences to worry about.

The JSON data format consists of three main data categories; the value, array, and object types.


Values are very simple, and there are only about a few main types: strings, numbers, true, false, and null.


Arrays are an ordered collection of values, arrays (yeah, you can have arrays in arrays!), or objects.

They're also commonly also referred to as a vector, list, or sequence.

See examples below:


["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]

[[], ["a"], ["b", "c"]]

[1, 2, ["a"], "b", true, false, null, [[[[]]]]]

Objects are similar to arrays, however, they have string keys that are assigned to each contained item. Just like arrays, objects can have other objects (objects in objects just like arrays in arrays!), arrays, and values as the items.

They're also commonly known as serialized versions of an object, record, struct, dictionary, hash (the data type kind), map, hash table, keyed list, or associative array if you've heard of any of those before.

Serialization refers to the act of taking data from a data type or object state and turning it into a format that can be stored/transmitted/more easily read and reconstructed later.

Deserialization refers to taking serialized data and turning it back into its original state.

Here are some examples:


  "simple": "object"

  "key": "value",
  "other key": 5,
  "nested object": {
    "key": true,
    "anotherKey": [1, 2, "a", { "hello": "world" }]

Request Types Overview

In HTTP (and as mentioned previously) there are multiple different request types. A lot of them will be covered in the following lesson, so we'll just have a high level overview here.

Each type of request is supposed to represent a different operation in the idea of Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD). There are a couple outside of those, but in most cases, you'll just stick with those operations.


The GET method is one of the most commonly used request methods (along with POST). It corresponds to the read operation of CRUD, so it's usually used when you're trying to just get information from a server. In fact, whenever you load a website using a web browser, you're sending GET requests to the website you want to access. There are a bunch of other request methods too (like POST, PUT, DELETE, ...), which we'll be covering next week. Be sure to join us then!

What is REST

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a set of constraints for building web services. RESTful web services, or web applications that conform to REST techniques require the following constraints.

  • Server-Client Architecture: Follows the server-client architecture discussed earlier.
  • Stateless: The server doesn't store any context about who the client is, so clients are the only ones that know about their session state and contain all information necessary to make a request. If the server needs to know any of the client context (like authentication information), it should be stored in a database.
  • Savable (Cacheable): Responses can be marked as savable or non-savable so that optimizations can be performed for scalability and performance.
  • Layered System: A client shouldn't need to know if it's connected directly to the end server or if there are intermediary services.
  • Uniform Interface: The server's resources and implementation should be decoupled from what is returned to the client.

We'll be trying build our servers by following those REST principles, but they're more just guidelines to keep in mind when designing everything. most servers don't usually follow every rule above super strictly.

Postman and API Clients

Now that you know some of the basics of web requests and the way that the web works, let's try out some HTTP requests and inspect the responses. API clients are programs that nicely let you send any kind of request with any information to whatever URLs you define. Some of the nice ones even let you define setup scripts or post request tests for ease of use and validation later on.

In terms of being able to be run through the command line and being on almost every computer, curl is an extremely useful and functional (but quite complicated) tool. Feel free to try it out with a command like curl, and you should see the curl webpage in HTML. If you try curl -o test.html, and then open that file in a web browser, you should see the webpage, but downloaded!

Working entirely on the command line like that can get really annoying though, so try out one of our favorite API clients: Postman. In here, you can run almost any type of request, authenticate, set headers and body (if applicable), run scripts and tests, see the output (in HTML too!), status code, time, size, and returned cookies and headers! If you find that you end up using a lot of the same requests, you can also save them and pull them up later on. We've used this for classes, coop, and personal projects, and hopefully you'll find this useful.

On this docs site, we have an example of how to send a POST request using Postman (which will be covered next week). If you're interested in checking it out sooner, you can view it here.

Routing on the Backend

Now we'll get to setting up the individual routes for the backend of our website so that you can access different resources. If you haven't set up the backend yet, go check out the Project Setup section of Week 1.

Structure of the Backend

From the root directory, you'll notice that there are three main directories: api, persist, and service.

The api directory is where all requests will enter through. It is the way that any external clients will interact with and view the results of our application.

The persist directory is where all persisting information will live. Starting out, it is where we'll create our database mocks, and later on, it will be where our database interactivity class files will be placed.

The service directory is what unifies everything together. Since we want to not make the persist and api directories dependent on each other, there will end up being a few interfaces that are made available and implemented in service. This is because some of the operations we want to perform need to know of both persist and api functionality (but remember, they shouldn't know about each other).

Don't worry about having to figure all of this out yourself though, we'll provide some help to get you started. Also, for those of you who know about the Model-View-Controller design pattern, this follows that! In this case, persist is our model (since it stores and holds the data), api is our view (since it's what the user/external applications use), and service is our controller (since it links everything together and handles the interactions between them).

For those of you who don't know, Model View Controller (or MVC) is a design pattern which separates out functionality into three different main functionalities.

  • Model: deals with handling the data and functionality with processing data

  • View: deals with presenting data (whether visually, textually, or in any other way) in a way that an external entity (like you or another program) can understand what is happening and interact with your program

  • Controller: deals with linking up interactions between the model and view, and is the mastermind behind running your program and handling external entity interactions (like you clicking a button or something else sending requests)

What is Routing?

Routing is when we define the actual routes/paths of our application and the functionality that they provide.


In the image above, when we refer to the path, we're talking about the part from (and including) the slash after the domain name. So, for example, in the URL, /jumpstart is the path. Another image with a more complex URL will be shown below which dissects more components.

Routing in Vert.x

To handle routing and general server boilerplate code, we're going to be using Vert.x. Vert.x is a library created and maintained by Eclipse (you might recognize it as an IDE if you've taken Fundies 2) that provides a lot of powerful functionality.

Routing in Vertx is done with Router and Route objects provided by the Vert.x dependency. In the api directory, we have an ApiMain class, which handles creating a Router Vert.x object, setting up a lot of the routing settings we'll need in the future, creating a home Route, and setting the port to start on. If you take a peek at the ApiMain class in the api directory, this is what you'll find for setup:

/** The initialize the sub-router and start the API server. */
public void startApi() {
  // Get a 'Vertx' object. This will provide us an HttpServer and Router.
  Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
  // Get an HttpServer from the Vertx object.
  HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer();

  // Create a new router using the vertx object.
  Router router = Router.router(vertx);
   * Set up CORS so that back end and front end can interact through different servers. Usually
   * web browsers will only allow a front end to fetch resources from back-ends
   * that have the same address as them (with a few caveats), but this allows us to 'allow' other
   * things too.
   * See for more info.
                  Set.of(HttpMethod.GET, HttpMethod.POST, HttpMethod.PUT, HttpMethod.DELETE))

  // Set a logger handler

  // Set a body handler. This deals with gathering the entire body and sets it on the
  // RoutingContext.

  // Set a custom method to be called on failure or uncaught exception.


  // Start the server and listen on port :8081
  // (you can access this locally at http://localhost:8081)

  // Let the user know the server has started
  System.out.println("Hey! The server has started on port " + defaultPort);

The home Route or root route is the path /. Using what we learned earlier, if we were hosting a server locally on port :8081, that path would be accessible by the URL http://localhost:8081/. We can also see that in the Route object for home produced by the Router in ApiMain.startApi(), a route handler was set using the handler() method and by passing in a Method Reference, which is a type of lambda or anonymous function. Down below, you can see a handleHome() method that takes in a RoutingContext from Vert.x, which is an object containing all of the request info we need. We use that to construct a response by getting a new response object from the RoutingContext, setting the status code, putting header information, and setting CORS info. Finally, the interaction is ended with the HttpServerResponse.end() method.

So in the ApiMain#startApi() method, near the end, you can see an example of how we went about creating a new route (the home route described above). We'll go into more detail below, but here's an example of what that looks like:

public void startApi() {
  // This fits into the example above where the ... is.

  Route home = router.route("/");


 * Handles evaluating the request provided in the {@link RoutingContext} and returning a response
 * for the home route. We could end this response using {@link IRouter}'s {@link
 * IRouter#end(HttpServerResponse, int, String, String)}, but we'd like to show you what's going
 * on under the hood here.
 * @param ctx An object containing request data provided by a Vertx route handler.
private void handleHome(RoutingContext ctx) {
  HttpServerResponse response =
          // Set the status code (200 = SUCCESS).
          // Sets the 'Content-Type' of this response
          .putHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain")
          // Sets the CORS to the same thing we did above above for the response
          .putHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
          .putHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "DELETE, POST, GET, OPTIONS")
              "Content-Type, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Authorization, X-Requested-With");

  // Returns 'Hello Jumpstarters!' as a response
  response.end("Hello Jumpstarters!");

Since that's a lot of stuff to set when finishing up a response, we've provided some end() methods for you in the interface, which will add a lot of that for you! A lot of that was done manually in the handleHome() method to show what it looks like.

Static Routing

Let's go through the exercise of creating a new route. We'll need to start out by creating a new Route object from the Router. First, create a new Route object right after the home route's handler is set. We'll do that using a register route method. You'll need to pass in the Router object that was created earlier in the method. Let's create a route /hi.


// Create a new Route object from the Router, and do it for a GET request.

// Down below in a new method.
private void registerGetHiRoute(Router router) {
  // Set the route up to respond to GET method requests.
  Route hiRoute = router.get("/hi");

Next we'll set the handler for that request method and finish up the registerGetHiRoute method.

private void registerGetHiRoute(Router router) {
  // Set the route up to respond to GET method requests.
  Route hiRoute = router.get("/hi");
  // Note: The hiRouteHandler method doesn't exist yet...

Finally, we'll define the hiRouteHandler method to return some data for the route. We'll make sure to do it using our IRouter.end method. It's been statically imported, so you should just be able to call end() with your data. Also, since a string is valid JSON data, we don't need to set the Content-Type to text/plain, we can just leave it as application/json.

private void hiRouteHandler(RoutingContext ctx) {
  String responseBody = "Hey Jumpstarter!";
  // Don't forget to set the response status!
  end(ctx.response(), 200, responseBody);

And now you should be able to access that route at http://localhost:8081/hi using your API client when you restart your server.

For reference, the final example looks something like this:


  // In startApi().

  // Create a new Route object from the Router, and do it for a GET request.

  // Start the server and listen on port :8081
  // (you can access this locally at http://localhost:8081)

  // Let the user know the server has started
  System.out.println("Hey! The server has started on port " + defaultPort);

private void registerGetHiRoute(Router router) {
  // Set the route up to respond to GET method requests.
  Route hiRoute = router.get("/hi");
  // Note: The hiRouteHandler method doesn't exist yet...

private void hiRouteHandler(RoutingContext ctx) {
  String resp = "Hey Jumpstarter!";
  // Don't forget to set the response status!
  end(ctx.response(), 200, resp);

private void handleHome(RoutingContext ctx) {

Route Parameters

What if you wanted to have a route parameter, that is, what if you wanted to have dynamic routes? Dynamic routes are routes that don't have to be explicitly declared. These can be in paths like /jumpstart/hi, /<your_name>/hi, or /c4c/hi, and then we can also have them return something like "hey ". That can actually be done pretty easily. Building off of the example above, this is what we would do.

In the registerGetHiRoute method, we'll want to adjust the route to add the param.

private void registerGetHiRoute(Router router) {
  // Set the route up to respond to GET method requests.
  // Notice how we added a colon before the 'name' parameter.
  Route hiRoute = router.get("/:name/hi");
  // Note: The hiRouteHandler method doesn't exist yet...

And now that Vert.x knows to look for a parameter called 'name' that will be provided in the RoutingContext. We can now change hiRouteHandler. We've also provided the getRequestParameterAsString and getRequestParameterAsInt methods in the class to make getting that information a little easier (you'll probably have to import it to ApiMain). Check it out if you're interested in how it works though!

private void hiRouteHandler(RoutingContext ctx) {
  // Request the 'name' param from the request
  String name = getRequestParameterAsString(ctx.request(), "name");
  String responseBody = "Hey " + name + "!";
  // Don't forget to set the response status!
  end(ctx.response(), 200, responseBody);

So now the route should respond "Hey Jumpstarter!" when you navigate to http://localhost:8081/Jumpstarter/hi

Query Parameters

Query parameters are another kind of parameter that can be included. They are (sometimes optionally) included at the end of the path and don't have to be included when creating the Route object from the Router. To be able to access them, you can use getRequestParameterAsString. They're written in a path by starting with a ? and chaining multiple together with &. It's very similar to the JSON object type we described earlier, where items are referened by a key.

Here are a some examples:

  • /some/path?param1=value1&param2=value2&param3=value3
    • Multiple values with different keys.
  • /some/path?param1=value1&param1=value2&param1=value3
    • Multiple values with the same key (this is allowed here, while in an object for JSON you'd have to have a single key relate to a list of values).
  • /posts/15?sort=score&asc=true&username=jumpstart1234
    • An example of a path '/posts/15' that has params like { "sort": "score", "asc": true", "username": "jumpstart1234" }

The way that we currently have it set up, the getRequestParameterAsString cannot have an empty value, so if you would like to include query params then you should create a new method which allows empty values.

Here's an example of a dissected URL with query parameters if you're interested in seeing what it looks like.


Creating a Sub-Router

A subrouter is a custom router which handles routing for a group of routes with the same path prefix. For example, if you have a bunch of defined routes for /user/info/..., then you can create a subrouter for /user/info/, and every route created in the subrouter will automatically be prefixed with that. This is not only useful because it lets you type less by removing the need to copy the same prefix for similar routes, but it also allows you to separate out the functionality of similar methods. For example, if you have a subrouter for something such as posts (hint, hint), then all functionality in that subrouter should be related to posts, keeping you more organized.

To create a subrouter, it's not hard at all. All you need to do is call the Router.mountSubRouter() method in your ApiMain and set a few things up in your subrouter class.

// Again, in ApiMain BEFORE calling server.requestHandler().
// Initialize a router (that was probably passed in).
router.mountSubRouter("/path_prefix", subRouter.initializeRouter(vertx));


And then in your subRouter class, create a new router, set up routes, and return the router.

public class SubRouter implements IRouter {
  private final ISomethingProcessor processor;

  public SubRouter(ISomethingProcessor processor) {
    this.processor = processor;

  public Router initializeRouter(Vertx vertx) {
    // Create a new Router object in our subrouter.
    Router router = Router.router(vertx);


    return router;

// Other methods for doing route work.

Processor Interfaces

Since the api shouldn't know anything about the database, a lot of the time processing needs to be done in the service directory/module. That makes things complicated though, since the api module needs to be able to call these methods when a route is accessed. This can be accomplished by creating an interface for the processor in the api module and implementing it in the service module. In that way, the service module is able to implement the methods api requires while not needing to know exactly how it's implemented. You'll see an example of this in the starter code given to you for this week.