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Workshop Series 2019

Source Control with Git

This workshop goes over the basics of source control and how git can be used to effectively manage project versioning.

GitPresentation.pptx is the intro slideshow that goes over the basics of source control and git. are the speaker notes used throughout the demo including helpful learning resources at the end. The speaker notes also include all code that was written throughout the demo.

Source Control with Git

Frontend Web Development and Vue.js

This workshop goes over some basics of Frontend development before diving into Vue.js and how it can be used as a Javascript framework.

VuePresentation.pptx is the initial slide show that goes over some basics of frontend development.

singlefileapp.html is a single file vue app that was created during the workshop demo. contains all the speaker notes from the demo including some helpful learning resources at the end.

buttonclickerapp/ contains a vue-cli app created to demonstrate containerization and vue file types in a larger project scale. This app requires node npm to run. To run the app, run the command npm install followed by npm run serve at the root buttonclickerapp directory.

Frontend Web Development and Vue.js

Intro To Backend Development and APIs

This workshop goes over the basics of API development.

Intro To Backend Development and APIs